Make Sense*

Hello Everyone!

Who We Are

About Us:

Sensible Philippines is a registered non-profit advocacy and education organization focused on reforming cannabis and drug policy in the country.

Sensible PH recognizes the medicinal and industrial benefits of cannabis and hemp.

What We Do:

1. Conducts educational and advocacy campaigns.

2. Organizes lobbying efforts to introduce cannabis and drug policy reform bills and resolutions in Congress.

3. Represents cannabis and drug policy reform advocacy on stakeholder consultations of government agencies.

4. Interacts and forges alliances with advocates internationally.



Sensible Philippines envisions a just and humane society in which the use and regulation of cannabis and other drugs, are based in science, health, compassion and human rights, and in which people are no longer punished for what they put into their own bodies but only for crimes committed against others.


Our mission is to advance policies and practices that effectively reduce the harms of both drug use and drug prohibition, and to promote the medicinal and industrial use, including the social and economic benefits of legalizing cannabis.

In August 20, 2020, Sensible Philippines piloted their first Cannatalk series with Kitty Chopaka, Rev. Sung Seak Kang and Harish Kumar.
The goal of the talk series is to raise awareness about medical cannabis from an International point of view and its potential benefits for the people of the Philippines.
Until this day, the Cannatalk series, led by Kimmi del Prado and Atty. Henrie Enaje is still on-going with guests of different personalities. You can watch the past episodes on our Cannatalk pages here

Let’s connect!

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